Just Add Magic cake

Just Add Magic cake
Just Add Magic cake Just Add Magic cake Just Add Magic cake

Just add magic . Her wish was A Magic Book with A Magic recipe.

My Little Girl is slowly growing up ๐Ÿ˜Š

MaluDesign by jenny


We could all use a bit of magic :) Smart girl and great job!

The Garden Baker

Thank you ๐Ÿ˜Š

MaluDesign by jenny


Creativity is God's gift to us. Using our creativity is our gift back to God. Clarky's Cakes ๐Ÿ˜Ž

This is gorgeous! My daughter just discovered the show on Amazon Prime and wants me to throw her a JAM B-day party. She requested a cake with the book on top. 

How did you make the book with the pages? I assume there was some airbrushing involved? Iโ€™m not skilled with fondant and usually try more natural ingredients. The cover seems do-able with frosting, but those pages are magnificent.