KING & QUEEN of the Day!

KING & QUEEN of the Day!
KING & QUEEN of the Day! KING & QUEEN of the Day! KING & QUEEN of the Day! KING & QUEEN of the Day!

This was a 4th Year Anniversary Cake I made for a friend.

Characters, chair, and rose were freehand sculpted/molded out of fondant.

Crowns and fleur designs are made of gold fondant using a silicone mold.
Signage printed on wafer paper.

For additional photos, please visit my Facebook page:"logging_data"%3A%7B"event_type"%3A"tapped_open_page_album"%2C"impression_info"%3A"eyJmIjp7InBhZ2VfaWQiOiIyMDgxMTI2NzMxOTE1MzI4IiwiaXRlbV9jb3VudCI6IjAifX0"%2C"surface"%3A"mobile_page_photos_tab"%2C"interacted_story_type"%3A"148947852156832"%2C"session_id"%3A"caf5816b58604d02ea9ae0b226c41c75"%7D%7D&ref=page_internal&mt_nav=1

Please feel free to leave any comments. I’m always looking for constructive criticism to improve my work.

Thanks for all your support!


Cup N Cakes a la C'ART