My second amazon package box cake :)
Layla A
Wonderful!! Looks so real! Felis
Olina's taarten
Perfect work!!!
Fantastic! Andrejka, ja som fakt myslela, ze je to ozajstny balik.
Layla, this is amazing! Looks exactly like the real thing. I would try to unwrap and open it:)
The Garden Baker
Thank you so much ladies 🥰
Ďakujem Bezanka moja❤️
The Garden Baker :)) thank you so much , You can try it :)) ❤️
Layla A
This is my favorite cake. 💕👏 So real.
cakes and sweets by Šárka Finsterlová
perfektne ♥♥♥
Torty Zeiko
Yeey thank you so much Šarko❤️
Zeiko Ivetka dakujem krásne ❤️
Layla A
Creativity is God's gift to us. Using our creativity is our gift back to God. Clarky's Cakes 😎