Lamb-y (smash cake).

Lamb-y (smash cake).
Lamb-y (smash cake).

This is a sad story that I didn’t want to post on FB. I was asked to keep it off FB but was told that this forum would be alright. A little boy going through some medical issues drew his little “Lamby” (his bedtime snuggle toy) while he was in his hospital bed. His Mom wanted to surprise him with a cake that looked just like his drawing. Some cakers around here either didn’t have time on short notice to make it, or were not able to make the cake within the parents’ tight budget. In I come. She found my FB page and told me the story and I did this within a few hours last night to take to him this morning. I finished decorating it at the nurse’s station and set up the backdrop there for photos, before I took the cake into his room, where his older brother and parents were waiting. This little boy’s mouth was stuck on open and I think that it’s safe to say, his whole family were super happy. It’s little things like that which make it unnecessary to make a big profit on cakes in my opinion. As long as you’re not losing money, why not just take in a thin margin once in a while, for something like this? Right?!
Anyway, it’s chocolate cake on the inside and Whip N Ice, with fondant accents, on the outside! SO CUTE :)

Heba Elalfy ***more photos at


It is an adorable cake, Heba, and what a sweet story. Bless your kind heart for making one little fellows day!

Sugar Sugar by SSmiley

Beautiful cake and it’s lovely thing that you managed to make it for the boy :)

Magda Pietkiewicz

Very cute cake Heba. I read FB’s mother’s request, but I’m way too far, otherwise I would have offered to do it. I’m not just talking, because I understand it well: Tomorrow I’m 13 years old when my boy has been operated at the heart, in another country !! What you did is great! I wish you all the best! Felis

Thank you very much, everyone … it made my day as well as that family’s day. Felis, your son is having a heart operation tomorrow??

Heba Elalfy ***more photos at

Such an adorable cake and such a touching story behind! I love you Heba, for your generosity. Thanks for sharing your experience . We should learn from you ❤️😘


Heba, tomorrow will be 13 years from the heart surgery! He was operated in Italy, we live in Romania! Felis

How sweet of you Heba…makesa hesrt glad. Really cute cake..

Creativity is God's gift to us. Using our creativity is our gift back to God. Clarky's Cakes 😎