Sugar Art For Autisme 2018 #AutismAwareness #10Years #SugarArt4Autism #AcceptanceIsAwareness

Sugar Art For Autisme 2018 #AutismAwareness #10Years #SugarArt4Autism #AcceptanceIsAwareness
Sugar Art For Autisme 2018 #AutismAwareness #10Years #SugarArt4Autism #AcceptanceIsAwareness Sugar Art For Autisme 2018 #AutismAwareness #10Years #SugarArt4Autism #AcceptanceIsAwareness Sugar Art For Autisme 2018 #AutismAwareness #10Years #SugarArt4Autism #AcceptanceIsAwareness Sugar Art For Autisme 2018 #AutismAwareness #10Years #SugarArt4Autism #AcceptanceIsAwareness

Sugar Art for Autism
19 maart om 8:19
Bea Van Gent & Daniela Snoeij

Short write-up about our piece:
For inspiration we asked a sugar colleague and friend if her son, who has a form of autism, could make a drawing that explains what autism means to him. He made a drawing and tried to explain it to us: “All kind of emotions are flying through my head; love, anger, beauty, war, hate, ugly, joy, peace. A rainbow of emotions, inside and out. I am trying to find the gate, but this is hidden. The little people on top of the buildings represent freedom.” We have tried to translate his drawing and emotions into 3D sugar art. Words cannot explain how special this is.

We are the Sweet Baking Babes, mother and daughter, Daniéla and Bea, 30 and 55 years of age and living in a small town called Grave, The Netherlands. At the end of 2016 we started to bake for Christmas. Now we are passionate home bakers and cake decorators. A road we walk on together, enjoying, loving, learning. Sugar Art to us is like an international language which everybody understands without the use of any words.
Again, thank you so much! It’s a very special experience we’ll never forget!

Sweet Baking Babes


so loving this one right in my heart and Christian says thank you so much for letting him be inspiration for such a master piece xxx

So fantastic!! Love it💕

sugar voyager

I love this and the story behind it so much!

Rose of Shiny Ball Cakes & Creations

Wonderful interpretation…

Creativity is God's gift to us. Using our creativity is our gift back to God. Clarky's Cakes 😎

You both did a beautiful cake :) x

Heba Elalfy ***more photos at

Very nice!😀

Olina's taarten

Thank you for your story, this is beautiful

You must never limit your challenges, instead you must challenge your limits