14" square, 12, 9 and 6 inch rounds. I made the hex gems out of isomalt. The round gems were purchased. Gumpaste loopy bow.
Peace, Diane http://www.facebook.com/CakeDiane
Wow, the B&W color combination is perfect!
-- Michal, http://cakesdecor.com | My Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/michal.bulla
Thank you Michal and Goreti!
Peace, Diane http://www.facebook.com/CakeDiane
Amazing! LOVE the black details!
Jenny, Castle Rock, CO www.facebook.com/JennysHauteCakes
Beautiful!! xxx
CUPCAKES & DREAMS My facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/CUPCAKES-DREAMS/115882865103239?ref=hl