Between minds Collaboration UNSA 2017 - Depression

Between minds Collaboration UNSA 2017 - Depression
Between minds Collaboration UNSA 2017 - Depression Between minds Collaboration UNSA 2017 - Depression Between minds Collaboration UNSA 2017 - Depression Between minds Collaboration UNSA 2017 - Depression

With this cake I wanted to represent the theme of depression, illness from which I suffered for years.
The word depression in several languages forms a spiral, where in the center lies a helpless body, emptied, deprived of its colors, its vitality, with a vacuum glance, with no emotion. A deep black hole that starts from the chest and slowly, slowly expands making the body an empty container.
Photos full of past colors and emotions, fade just by touching them, leaving a further vacuum.

We need to change the culture of this topic and make it ok to speak about mental health and suicide.

As a member of United Nations of Sugar Art I choose to stand against the Stigma that surrounds mental Illness and encourage conversations about Mental Health.

To learn more please visit our Event page Between Minds – UNSA 2017.
Please visit Depressed Cake Shop to learn how you can help year round by having your own PopUp event.

#StopTheStigma #mentalhealth #mhsm #HereForYou #UNSA #createchange #depressedcakeshop #whatyoudontsee

If you or someone you know is suicidal or in emotional distress, contact the National Suicide Prevention Line US/Canada 1.800.273.8255
Samaritans UK 116123

Nici Sugar Lab


Very powerful and meaningful! Thank you for sharing your story 💕

You must never limit your challenges, instead you must challenge your limits

just in love with this piece ❤️


you are so courageous ❤️

'It Always Seems Impossible Until It is Done' Nelson Mandela

Thank you so much! <3

Nici Sugar Lab