Zodiac Challange Bakerswood - Scorpion

Zodiac Challange Bakerswood - Scorpion
Zodiac Challange Bakerswood - Scorpion Zodiac Challange Bakerswood - Scorpion

This August 21 will see the sun eclipse that has caused so much controversy, some say it will be the beginning of the end of the world, but their theories have no basis.

In this event the moon, the sun and the earth will be aligned, many forces will move, so much so that when this happens ‘weigh a kilo less’ (under this concept would need to happen about 10 times in a row). The stars are not left out of this event and thus will affect this eclipse of sun to each sign of the zodiac.


The eclipse will mark at the beginning stages and projects, there may be a new love in the door, if you are planning, there may be a pregnancy or the beginning of something that will make you grow.


The focus will be on your family and your well-being, from the eclipse you become more aware of how important your parents, friends and siblings are.


The trips will be latent, you may be planning one and with the eclipse you make the final decision or your job requires you to move to another place.


The sun eclipse will positively impact your self-esteem and personal safety. It may be the optimum time to ask for a raise or bet on a long-delayed sleep.


Your sensuality will be activated, you are sexier than other months, you may change your image or focus your attention on you and your needs.


Spirituality will manifest in your life, you try to rest and connect with your inner peace, you leave aside the things that steal energy and you become priority.


You will be very active socially, you may meet someone new to invite you to new projects or connect you with people who will join you.


You will make many contacts from the eclipse, you will be more sociable, with more desire to meet people that add to your life.


With this eclipse of sun you will want to resume your studies, to overcome and change something that bothers you. In this stage you will be focused on boosting the projects that you have in the ink.


Money will be the key to you, it can be a great time to get a loan and become independent. You will also be more interested in working for yourself and your well-being.


There may be signatures or associations, if you have a partner the relationship becomes more series than you thought, there is consolidation and stability in your life.


You have been thinking about changing your habits, changing aspects of your life that do not make you happy and with the eclipse you will take the reins of your life.

Does anyone find something here? To me, yes!

Catalina Anghel


Ohhh gorgeous, Catalina 😍


This is awesome! love your scorpion!

By Katherina Perez

Thank you very much ladies xx

Catalina Anghel

This is strikingly beautiful, Catalina! Who would have thought a scorpion could be gorgeous?!!

Sugar Sugar by SSmiley

Splendid colours! Wonderful cake xxx

JEtaarten-Puur genieten

Thank you all so much!! xxx

Catalina Anghel

Maravilloso Escorpio !! Enamorada me tiene