Romance cupcake- Cookies; a gift to every single amazing mom in CakesDecor!

Romance cupcake- Cookies; a gift to every single amazing mom in CakesDecor!
Romance cupcake- Cookies; a gift to every single amazing mom in CakesDecor! Romance cupcake- Cookies; a gift to every single amazing mom in CakesDecor!

Happy mother’s day! Feliz día de las madres! To every single awesome cookie mom, cake mom, artist moms! You all rock! ❤

Cupcakes-like cookies, pink coloured dough (cheesecake Lorann oils for flavor, which is absolutely delicious!), in a romantic style! I dusted the edges and swirls with edible chalk, to give them more intensity 😀
The toppings are edible round sprinkles, in white and rose tones.

Cookies! By Joss