I was invited to attend on a special wedding fair. It was such a fun one. The participating companies had to work together to create 4 different themed tables/corners. One of the tables had the theme Princess pastel dream wedding. And I really liked to create a cake in that style. I heard that the lady who was doing the flowers was going to hang up some carnations so I made them out of sugar to accompany my sugar daisies. I painted the background with pastel dusts.
Have a happy cake day
Very nice cake !!
Beautiful and delicate!
So lovely
Thank you so much Vanilla & Me, Frufi, Bubolinkata and Goreti. Makes me happy to read your comments!
Have a happy cake day
Very pretty!
Teri, Ontario, Canada http://www.TeriLovesCake.ca
Beautiful :)
Heba Elalfy ***more photos at https://www.facebook.com/sweetdreamstoyou
Very nice cake!
Il Profumo delle Fragole - www.ilprofumodellefragole.it