Our piece created for Sugar Myths and Fantasies 2.0 Collaboration it´s inspired on “O Nubeiro”, a character from the Galician, Asturian and Cantabrian mythologies. He controls the weather at his will and has fun causing storms, throwing sparks at the animals and ruining the crops of men with rain and hail. He´s given the role of inventor of the fog, which he uses as a method of camouflage when he doesn´t want to be seen by the human eye.
(Spanish below)
Nuestra pieza creada para la colaboración Sugar Myths and Fantasies 2.0 está inspirada en “O Nubeiro”, un personaje de las mitologías gallega ,asturiana y cántabra. Controla el tiempo a su voluntad y se divierte provocando tormentas y tempestades, lanzando centellas a los animales y arruinando las cosechas de los hombres con la lluvia y el granizo. Se le otorga el papel de inventor de la niebla, que usa como método de camuflaje cuado no desea ser visto por el ojo humano.
Mamá Tartelera
very nice, well done!
-- Michal, http://cakesdecor.com | My Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/michal.bulla
Fabulous x
I love this!! brilliant work!! pinned to :
Life is too sweet to be bitter
You must never limit your challenges, instead you must challenge your limits
Hermoso trabajo!