Hi friends! let me introduce you Ms. Panettone Claus!
This is an idea from my friend Clara Presazzi, who decorated the tradtional christmas cakes called Panettone and also Pandoro.
So, I used a regular size of 1kg panettone for the skirt and I baked a small cake for the bust.
For the face I used a styrofoam ball.
Here the process…I hope you like it!
Last pic!
By Katherina Perez
Great work!
She’s fabulous!! Love her!! :-) x
https://www.facebook.com/elliwarrencakedesign https://www.facebook.com/elliricci elliricci@hotmail.com https://www.instagram.com/elliwarrencakedesign/
Thanks Mina, Elli, Carla and Anka!
By Katherina Perez
Love Panettone! Beautiful!!
Cornucopia Cakes & Cupcakes
Aww, Kat, you made a gorgeous Panettone!!!
Your Ms. Panettone Claus is such a beauty. Look at her eyes and at all other beautiful details!!!😍😍😘
What a great idea! I love Panettone!! xx
Teri, Ontario, Canada http://www.TeriLovesCake.ca