Kapala with Cake Eyes

Kapala with Cake Eyes
Kapala with Cake Eyes Kapala with Cake Eyes Kapala with Cake Eyes

The Sugar Spooks have returned! This is a “Kapala”, a Sanskritt term meaning skull and/or bowl, and is a decorated human skull used as a ritual implement in both Hindu and Buddhist Tantra. They were often carved with decorative designs, precious metals, and jewels.

The kapala was used to hold dough cakes or wine, used symbolically as flesh and blood offerings to deities. The dough cakes were not just pieces of bread, but were shaped to resemble human eyes, ears and tongues. This is what made this SO appropriate for Sugar Spooks!

Spiritual, Creepy, Beautiful AND Edible! Be sure to haunt the entire collab – and sleep tight…if you can….. www.sugarspooks.com

Made with Magic Colours and Magiculata

#SugarSpooks16 #Skull #Blood #Kapala #Halloween #Scary #Cake #Art2EatCakes

Heather S, CO/USA, www.art2eatcakes.com