40th birthday cake for Lisa x

40th birthday cake for Lisa x
40th birthday cake for Lisa x 40th birthday cake for Lisa x 40th birthday cake for Lisa x 40th birthday cake for Lisa x

I absolutely loved making this special cake for my amazing friend Lisa’s 40th birthday . Everything is edible . She loves board games, comic con , nerd block and of course her gorgeous dog Lilly .

The settlers of catan cake was a chocolate fudge cake with fudge filling, chocolate buttercream and chocolate ganache . The nerd block cake is a chocolate cake with salted caramel and caramel buttercream filling and a chocolate ganache .

I made good use of my edible image printer and hand modelled the Dice , game pieces , picture frame and dog using saracino modelling paste and gum paste .

With a gum paste rose.

Happy birthday Lisa x

Mel, uk, https://www.facebook.com/MelsAmazingCakes