Gerbera and lily wedding cake

Gerbera and lily wedding cake
Gerbera and lily wedding cake Gerbera and lily wedding cake

Sometimes I worry about colour combinations and this wedding cake was a little bit of a worry. It is quite a busy cake and has very strong colours, but once I had finished I breathed a sigh of relief as actually it all came together very well.
The little lego bride and groom was provided by the couple but I made the camper van and the flowers and I piped every little dot. Thank you for looking :) xx

ellie's elegant cakery


Lovely design, love the camper and the color combo, beautiful…


So beautiful !

Monika- MOLI Cakes

Awesome and gorgeous! πŸ’–πŸ‘πŸ»

Gorgeous! ! ! Beautiful colors and I love the camper van!!! ❀