John Wayne Buttercream cake

John Wayne Buttercream cake
John Wayne Buttercream cake John Wayne Buttercream cake John Wayne Buttercream cake John Wayne Buttercream cake

1/4 sheet frosted in white buttercream icing. Etched on cake freehand with a toothpick, and outlined in #4 chocolate brown buttercream. Filled in figure, with straight tip from #2 to #6. Outlined details again in #3 and #4 tip brown. Also I go back and forth filling in when the lines are raised to high with more white BC. It’s kind of a process, and I am not an artist, have never taken any classes, so I hope it looks like John Wayne. looked exactly like him when I drew on with toothpick, but once you start covering with BC, it can change and either widen or narrow area more than you wanted. ***Was thinking maybe I should have put a line in between that lips to show that they were more narrow. IT may appear that he has a fuller bottom lip. Also had to do eyes and eyebrows over in certain areas….
I sprinkled a little bit of brown food color on outer edges of cake around figure. I spread around outer edge of cake to give a more rugged look, rustic, old.
I love your opinions from cake artists, as I have been in cake decorating for 30 yrs, but am not a true artist~ :) Thanks!!

Nancy (Nancy's Fancy's Cakes & Catering)


I think you did a wonderful job <3 … it is hard to do a person’s face in buttercream and not use a airbrush you did a fabulous job and the more you do it the better you will become :) . <3 xoxo

Dubey Cakes

thanks Bethann! I don’t own an airbrush~ lol

Nancy (Nancy's Fancy's Cakes & Catering)

That’s amazing Nancy!!

S. Faisal --


Creativity is God's gift to us. Using our creativity is our gift back to God. Clarky's Cakes 😎

Thanks Lulu, Luna, Elli, Simm, and June! I am so glad Bev, you knew who it was! :)

Nancy (Nancy's Fancy's Cakes & Catering)

Thanks Nancy!!

Nancy (Nancy's Fancy's Cakes & Catering)