Habs fan birthday cake

Habs fan birthday cake
Habs fan birthday cake Habs fan birthday cake Habs fan birthday cake Habs fan birthday cake

I made this cake for a friends 40 th birthday. The figure was made to look like him. The cake was a big hit at the party. I should have taken a photo of the finished cake before the drive to the party. As it didn’t travel very well and my photo is blurry. Well lesson learned.
Hope you like the look of it. It was delicious!!

Tracy Farquhar


Well done, looks fab! Yes, I try and put time aside to take pics, as once cut, well that’s it!! Hahaha!! But the main thing is it was a big hit and much enjoyed, so a great success.

You must never limit your challenges, instead you must challenge your limits

Looks awesome! Great job!

Teri, Ontario, Canada http://www.TeriLovesCake.ca

Looks fantastic! Great job on the modeling and The Cup!!!

Nicole --- http://www.facebook.com/thecakeofit

The Red Wings fan in me wants to yank that cup away!!! Love this cake, amazing job!

Kristy, Texas - www.facebook.com/KosmicCustomCakes