Half and half wedding cake.Cake international entry

Half and half wedding cake.Cake international entry
Half and half wedding cake.Cake international entry Half and half wedding cake.Cake international entry Half and half wedding cake.Cake international entry Half and half wedding cake.Cake international entry

This was my entry for cake international Birmingham at the Nec.
It’s a half and half cake,half silhouette and half caulkboard. It depicts a couple pulling themselves together in marriage. this was soo much fun to make,but the journey was not so fun!a couple of minor scuffs and bumps on the journeyhalf



This was one of my favourites at the show, still trying to figure out why you only got Bronze for it! It was a gold in my eyes!
P.S I’m the weirdo who came over to you when you were doing the finishing touches and whispering how awesome it was ;)

If you like my work, 'like' me on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Sugarplum-Bakehouse/147584558644564

Saw this cake at Cake International and OMG it was amazing!! Such a lovely idea and so much detail. Well done :)

Beckie Hall

Haha!that made me chuckle Sam :-) I’m surprised you didn’t hear me barking orders at my husband lol!! I didn’t get chance to speaking to the judges about the bronze so unfortunately I didn’t get any feedback.:-(
Great experience and an amazing weekend though :-)


I think this was my favourite cake there and definitely the one that sticks in my mind the most. Well done. Really should have been gold