Quilting and Sugar Orchid

Quilting and Sugar Orchid

is is a six inch cake. The order was for butter cream only no fondant, however I convinced them to get a sugar orchid. Done for a wedding planner who usually uses Caymancake , who is a little under the weather this week.

Lori-Ann,The Cake Studio Cayman,http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Cake-Studio-Cayman/136313133106508?ref=tn_tnmn


It came out beautifully! Thank you sooo much! It looks amazing!

Sunny Smiles from the Cayman Isles!, http://www.facebook.com/caymancake or http://caymancake.wordpress.com

so elegant – how do you get white butter cream ?

DabHandCakes, Lancaster, UK - Facebook page=Dab Hand Cakes