Purple Coloured Ganache Sweet 16

Purple Coloured Ganache Sweet 16
Purple Coloured Ganache Sweet 16 Purple Coloured Ganache Sweet 16 Purple Coloured Ganache Sweet 16 Purple Coloured Ganache Sweet 16

This is my Purple Coloured Ganache cake that caused a little excitement on my facebook page earlier in the week.
I had never in my wildest dreams think that Mayen from Way beyond Cakes by Mayen would share my Purple ganache recipe.

I am really proud of this cake as it was something I had never tried before and everyone was super excited about the whole concept. As I kept saying to everyone, just goes to show that no matter who you are or where you come from, we can all inspire and motivate each other in so many different ways. I know others may have already done this before, (Coloured Ganache) but I had not noticed it on any of the wonderful cake decorating pages I follow and love (and that’s a heck of a lot of pages, trust me!) And I gotta say by the flippin amazing response I have received, I wasn’t alone in not seeing this technique before! Using naked coloured Ganache rather than fondant.

I am keeping this cake as a mark in time to remind myself to believe in my ideas and to keep on learning and experimenting with all things sweet.

Sorry for writing so much – it’s just one of those moments you know – i just can;t stop talking about this cake.

Naomi AKA Cairns Cake Lady, Australia www.cakedecorcairns.com or www.google.com/+CakeDecorCairns or www.facebook.com/cakedecorcairns


Such a great concept and love your cake too! Thanks for the fab tutorial :)

Mel, Yorkshire, http://www.facebook.com/doncastercustomcakery

Thanks Mellie I am sure you’re all sick of it by now LOL xoxo

Naomi AKA Cairns Cake Lady, Australia www.cakedecorcairns.com or www.google.com/+CakeDecorCairns or www.facebook.com/cakedecorcairns

Love. You’ve inspired me to try a few things with colored ganache. Great alternative for those who don’t like fondant.

Lovely! Very beautiful!

Maggie Gagiano