3D Vespa Cake

3D Vespa Cake
3D Vespa Cake 3D Vespa Cake 3D Vespa Cake 3D Vespa Cake

9" Chocolate Mud Cake decorated with Fondant.

It as been a long time …. I am very sorry Cakes Décor.
Been traveling so much teaching that I never have time anymore to create new things.
Well…. I am taking a little brake so I can put together all my new ideas and finish my book.
I had one amazing time in Europe so this is for you Europe. Special thank you to Cristina Pedraza Sánchez and Marc Le Doux from Be Delight http://www.bedelight.com/
Also Sonia from Magia Golosinas (Bilbao), Luis from Mercadulce (Malaga), Magaly from Party Cakes ( Zürich, Switzerland), Claudia from Tortenboutique (Germany) and Tereza Henrique from Academia Profissional Cake Design (Portugal)

Verusca Walker https://www.facebook.com/verusca.walker