Come all ye faithful

Come all ye faithful
Come all ye faithful Come all ye faithful Come all ye faithful Come all ye faithful

This is a fruit cake I baked for myself for a change.We will only be three for this Christmas and I won’t go big, but I really need smart and that is why I wanted this.Well a girl has to spoil herself sometimes ;) , don’t we?

Maggie, Bloemfontein,


Really cute!!!!!

Marlene - CakeHeaven

Thank you both :) !
Goreti, do you remember my" Fairy wings" cake, I posted on CWB, last year? (giggle) I’ve had some improvement since, haven’t I, lol! All cracks and creases ;)
(for a reminder you can go to

Maggie, Bloemfontein,

I totally agree with you. That’s what Christmas is all about. <3

Maggie, Bloemfontein,