Sharp Edges on Fondant Cakes

OK, so I posted some time back in one of the forum posts about how I achieve sharp edges on fondant, and while for the most part my technique is much the same, I am always learning how to do...

How to work ahead

Time management is a key ingredient to cake decorating success. I have found a way to work ahead. Recently, I used this method and was able to complete 3 cakes, all with detailed fondant accents,...

Stress Free Cake Transportation

Raise your hand if you’ve ever had to transport a cake and thought that your heart just couldn’t take the strain. (raising hand) Raise your hand if you’ve ever transported a cake and mourned the...

Cheap - easy BLACK FONDANT!

I made this tutorial (my first ever) a couple of months ago when I needed a small amount of black fondant for a special project… it was an experiment that worked brilliantly!!! Hope you get some...

Cheap Boards Tutorial

This weird deviced is called Sheet rock circle cutter and can be found at your local harware store for about $12. I can’t live with out it!!!

Tutorial - Stained Glass Effect Cake

After seeing the amazing stained glass effect cakes by people like Queen of Hearts Couture Cakes, Way Beyond Cakes by Mayen and Vinism Sugar Art, I decided I wanted to have a go and put my own...