Pine cones

since doing my season’s cake’s i have had a few people ask how i did the pine cone’s, now im no proffesional ive had no lesson’s i tend to make stuff up as i go along so this is’nt perfect by any means but i hope it helps someone else i like to help out other’s as much as i can :)

i started off with chocolate fondant making a ball about 2 inch wide, i then used a piping nozzel about an inch in width to cut out small circles. i pressed the edges down to thin them out between my fingers and starting at the top and pressed them on the ball working around and down, i then flicked the edges of each one over a bit. when finished i brushed on some autumn leaf for the snowy scene one i used some edible snow dust from asda.

below are two of the season cakes i used with the pine cones any questions’s please do ask x

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