oh God. i love the concept so much. the statement flower on top is amazing. congrats on Top 3!

Think cake, think pink!

COngrats in Number one :-) Gorgeous cake!

Dina @ miettes, http://www.facebook.com/pages/miettes/257790597632317

It’s perfect!!! my favorite subject on cake!

M&G Cakes, http://www.mandgcakes.com, https://www.facebook.com/MandG.Cakes

Jon!! This is AWESOME!!!

Ivone K. | sugarpenguin.com | https://www.facebook.com/sugarpenguin

Stunning cake Jon! I think it’ some of my fav of yours! Really love it!

Sweet Rocket Queen - https://www.facebook.com/sweetrocketqueen

I don’t like it, I love it! It’s a gorgeous cake with spectacular colours and an absolutely beautiful hand painted Fairy. This is one of my favorite cakes.

I am stalking this cake Jon!!! :))))

Enchanting Merchant Co

Incredible cake!

Jon your painting work is amazing! Beautiful cake!

Mel Sugarcraft Artist

Beautiful Jon!

Mel, Yorkshire, http://www.facebook.com/doncastercustomcakery

Such brilliance! You are so masterful! Your design and painting is something out of this world! How wonderful to just sit and take it all in! Your whole heart and soul is put into every cake you make, and this is just magnificently glorious!

Maggie Gagiano

Wow! So beautiful!!!

Please visit, like and share my page at https://www.facebook.com/LilasLaranja

This is wonderful Jon!

Selma S. ~ Little Apple Cakes




ok one of my favorite cakes, love it

Shannon of Sweet ObsesShan

Love this! The hand painting is wonderful!

Would really like to thank each one of you for the amazing comments and especially the faves. You are fantastic. Thanks for your support. Appreciate a lot

JT Cakes https://www.facebook.com/JTcakesmalta

So beautiful! I love it. The colours, so gorgeous!

The Cake Nook


Claire North

Thank you Zoe and Claire

JT Cakes https://www.facebook.com/JTcakesmalta

love it!


Thank you Sarah :) x x

JT Cakes https://www.facebook.com/JTcakesmalta

This is absolutely gorgeous JT!


Thank you Pamela

JT Cakes https://www.facebook.com/JTcakesmalta

This is just beautiful.


amazing cake!!!

Karla, Italy, https://www.facebook.com/sweetk.cakedesign

Thanky you Simrin, Cake Girls and Karla

JT Cakes https://www.facebook.com/JTcakesmalta

This is really beautiful. I especially love how you did the pixie dust on the flower!

Tanya, https://www.facebook.com/cakeheartcustomcakesandcupcakes

Thank you Tanya

JT Cakes https://www.facebook.com/JTcakesmalta

oh wow this is so gorgeous. Faved obviously! Love everything about it, it’s truly magical x

Gold hand. …..

Maria's sweet side !!!!

wow :)

fabulous love the colour :)

just beautiful as always :)

Star cakes by donya

This is stunning, the colours are beautiful

Lyn (Nanna Lyn Cakes) xx

I definitely love all your paintings!! You are truly talented!!


That cake…. That flower is the business! Bravo!
