thank you elli xx

Tina, Australia, http://www.facebook.com/SweetTandCake

Beautiful cake. I love it !


Stunning cake Tina!

Isabelle, UK, https://www.facebook.com/rosehipbakery

Wow, it is gorgeous!

Stunning cake, love the design and such a gorgeous finish.

Sarah, New Zealand, http://www.facebook.com/#!/TheCakeTin

love this cake. so perfect


Simply stunning! Love the lace =D

Violet - The Violet Cake Shop™ - http://www.facebook.com/TheVioletCakeShop

BEAUTIFUL!!!!! xxx

CUPCAKES & DREAMS My facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/CUPCAKES-DREAMS/115882865103239?ref=hl

It is so gorgeous! Love the color and that beautiful lace. You did a fantastic job making your own lace!

Toni, Pennsylvania, https://www.facebook.com/WhiteCraftyCakes

Oh wow, this is perfect!!
Love everything about this cake, flawless!!
You deserve top 3 and editors choice 100%!! Xx

Laura Loukaides - Instagram.com/LauraLoukaides

This is so lovely.

wow thank you so much for taking the time to leave such lovely messages. It was a super stress free cake to make and I loved every minute of it :-). xx

Tina, Australia, http://www.facebook.com/SweetTandCake

love it!


Stunning. :o)

Creativity is God's gift to us. Using our creativity is our gift back to God. Clarky's Cakes 😎

beautifully done!

Xclusive, HTTP://facebook.com/xclusivecakes


HE is my rock and my strong tower