This is absolutely fantastic! You are awesome! I love it!!!!


Oh Wow!!I LOOOOOOOVE this cake. Great job!

So beautiful, the colours are fantastic and I love that marble effect. Stunning!


WOW!! Thanks so much everyone!!

Zeena - https://www.facebook.com/misspiggyscakes

Thank you Christine :)

Zeena - https://www.facebook.com/misspiggyscakes

Zeena this is so gorgeous I love it the plane is perfect

Jo, NZ, https://www.facebook.com/CiccioCakes

Thank you Robin :)

Aww Jo, you just made my day – I wasn’t 100% sure on the plane haha Thank you xx

Zeena - https://www.facebook.com/misspiggyscakes



Thank you lovely people :-)

Zeena - https://www.facebook.com/misspiggyscakes

Beautiful!!! You did an amazing job!! Love it!! xxx

CUPCAKES & DREAMS My facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/CUPCAKES-DREAMS/115882865103239?ref=hl

Thank you Ana xx

Zeena - https://www.facebook.com/misspiggyscakes

This is just gorgeous. i love the colours in the icing, everything compliments the other :)

Sarah, New Zealand, http://www.facebook.com/#!/TheCakeTin

Thank you so much Sarah!

Zeena - https://www.facebook.com/misspiggyscakes

This is mind blowingly crazily amazing…. Wow, you are so gifted!!! What an artist you are xxxx

You must never limit your challenges, instead you must challenge your limits

WOW!!! Thanks so much Calli xx

Zeena - https://www.facebook.com/misspiggyscakes

I’m late to the party- but what a gorgeous cake! I’m not sure what I love most of all- the color scheme, the antique biplane, the beautiful flowers, or your story— ok, love them all!

Radhika, Singapore, http://sinsationscakes.wordpress.com/