Gold Anniversay Replica Wedding Cake old school style!

Gold Anniversay Replica Wedding Cake old school style!
Gold Anniversay Replica Wedding Cake old school style!

We were asked to replicate this couples wedding cake from 50 years ago, it was very hard to see from the old black and white photos what was on it, but it was fun going back to ‘old school’ decorating…..and royal icing!

'It is the amount of heart you put into your work that will determine how beautiful it will be' Angie and Becky


Stunning, love all the detail.

You must never limit your challenges, instead you must challenge your limits

It is beautiful!! You did a brilliant job with “old school”!

Sugar Sugar by SSmiley


Creativity is God's gift to us. Using our creativity is our gift back to God. Clarky's Cakes 😎

Amazing work! Love this classic style!

sugar and art - perfect combination!

Brilliant creation!

Life is too sweet to be bitter