Love is in the air

Love is in the air
Love is in the air

“All you need is love. But a little cake now and then doesn’t hurt” :-) Nowadays I get time to bake only when my little monsters sleep. And today they slept peacefully and I got into kitchen.. :-)
These Valentines Day cupcakes are inspired by ‘Me to you’ Teddy bear cupcake design by Estrele Cakes . Happy valentines Day every one…


Omg they are the cutest, your little monsters will love these ones!! I’m happy to know another “caker” in the same situation, with a 13 month old it’s almost impossible to get a bit of spare time to create anything and the head is full with all these ideas… I look at everyone’s cakes on here and wish I had more time but a little smile from my little monster takes all that “cake anxiety” away ;) Knowing your situation I love your work even more because I know how hard it can be working with little ones around. :)

Selma S. ~ Little Apple Cakes

Thanks a lot every one… @ Little Apple Cakes : I have a 2 year old and 4 year old demanding my attention full day. .. Best way to bake is make them sleep and get into kitchen..:) Enjoy the precious time with lil one.. :)

Theyre gorgeous! Just imagine all the amazing birthday cakes to come for your little ones! Mine are quite a bit older now, so more baking time :)

sugar and art - perfect combination!

These are really cute!!

Marlene - CakeHeaven