Security First

Security is a top priority for CakesDecor and you – our members. Today marks an important milestone as we made the switch from HTTP to HTTPS to keep everyone safe on our website. And yes, it’s a...

Little fondant books

I’m working on some toppers for a principal’s birthday cake at the moment. So, I did a quick tutorial on how to make these little fondant books. As you can see, there are so many ways to use them....

Marie Antoinette Cookie Tutorial

I love haute couture inspired cakes and cookies; what better time period than the 18th century Versailles. During Marie Antoinette’s regime fashion was a means to control the king and queen’s...

NO BUTTER - Dark Chocolate Brownie Recipe

Ingredients: ½ cup flour ¼ cup cocoa 1 cup sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla pinch of salt ½ cup oil 3 eggs 4oz dark chocolate (120g) Preheat oven to 350F (180C or Gas4)....

Gerbera Flower Turorial - Step by step

Hello lovely cakers, not sure if this is of any use to any one, as there are already some great ways to make these pretty flowers, but this is the way I like to make my own and think the addition...

Interview #26: Shawna McGreevy

Short Bio I’ve always loved art…ANYTHING involving art. As a kid, I would sketch just about everything I saw, just to see how “real” I could make it look. My bedroom door was covered with...

Sweet Pea Spray Piped on Fondant

Last week was one of those crazy weeks, you know when adding an extra task makes you want to pull your hair out of your head. During my hectic week a friend needed 2 1/2 dozen cookies for a...

Simple ANEMONE with Simple Tools (Gumpaste or Fondant)

I was asked by quite a few how I made the simple anemone featured on my Simple Black & White Polka Dot cake (see last photo) and realized I could not find any picture tutorials for anything...