Tarta degradada

Empezamos por la parte de arriba, poned una buena capa de crema. Distribuidla por la superficie, dejando exceso en los bordes. Seguimos con la última capa, con ayuda de una espátula...

CakesDecor Theme: Santa Cakes, Cupcakes & Cookies

“…SANTA Clause is coming to town!…” The big day is almost here, it’s Christmas Eve!!! Our third and final festive Themes Blog is dedicated to your amazing Santa Cakes, Cupcakes &...

CakesDecor Theme: Reflecting on 2014

It has been another incredible year on CakesDecor, so many new amazing cakes, cupcakes and cookies have been shared with us everyday. I have really enjoyed featuring your work in the Cake...

CakesDecor Theme: Wedding Cakes - Part 9

Our first Theme of the year! Another beautiful collection of Wedding Cakes! I’m really looking forward to seeing your new designs this year, I wonder what the new trends will be in 2015?...

Making Modelling Chocolate

One of the beauties of Modelling Chocolate (I find) is it allows you more time to detail your work, and spend more time modelling in contrast to fondant and the other sugar-pastes which (for me) ...

CakesDecor Theme: Castle Cakes

It’s amazing just how many different design possibilities there are for a castle cake, we have SO many incredible versions on CakesDecor! Not only are they perfect for a child’s birthday, but...

CakesDecor Theme: Robot Cakes

Great collection of Robot Cakes discovered on CakesDecor this week! I love how they all have their own personality, and some of them even defy gravity!! Absolutely amazing! – If you have any...