re: Been on here a couple of weeks

Hi Shannon… wish i could answer your question!!!…
You sound like you’ve got yourself together, a lot more than I do.
I have recently had to resign an employment position, due to health problems, accumulating in an overwhelming inability to cope!!!
Hence my current social media addiction, whilst I am in the recovery phase.
I have not been on Cake Central, so I cannot make comparasins… but a few friends commented that this site was much friendlier… and I have certainly been made to feel very welcome here.
I have found this site a little more difficult to navigate than facebook… but I have found benefits in this site, that definitely swing in it’s favour.
I don’t think we need to choose between one or the other… they can co-exist quite easily.
There are a lot of the “non-personal page” cake based friends (including myself), that are struggling with the issue of facebook pushing for “paid promotions”… and feel that when these request pop-ups occur, there seems to be a resulting reduction in “reach” when the offer is ignored.
I hope that Cakes Decor can capitalise on this!!!
Well, I wish you all the best for your future… I think you will manage just fine!!!
Julez XXX
