re: Chocolate cake recipe

I love this recipe. I thought I had written down where i found it so I could give them credit but I can’t find it. But here is a Devil Food Chocolate Cake

2 cups Flour
1 1/2 cups Brown Sugar
3/4 cup Butter
3/4 cup Buttermilk
1/2 cup Cocoa Powder
3 Eggs
2 tsp Vanilla
1 1.2 tsp Baking Soda
3/4 cup Water
1/4 tsp Baking Powder
1/2 tsp Salt

Preheat the oven to 340 degrees.
Have all your ingredients ready. Add the baking powder, baking soda and salt into the flour and combine.
First, place your cocoa powder in a heat proof bowl and pour the boiling water over it. Stir to dissolve. Let it cool.
Next, place your butter and sugar in an electric mixer and mix till light and fluffy.
Start adding the eggs; one at a time.
Now pour in the chocolate mixture.Make sure it is cooled not hot (you do not want to melt the butter)
Next add the flour and buttermilk into the batter. As well as the Vanilla.
Your batter is ready. Not to thick but not liquid either.
Pour it into your baking pan and bake for about 35 to 45 minutes.

Notes: Makes 2 6" or 1 8" Cake
