I wouldn’t attempt to contact her again. If you know for a fact you have her correct contact info, her actions (or inactions) are completely disrespectful. This has happened to me more times than I can count so I’m used to it. If she contacts you last minute, tell her it’s too late. You’ve already sold yourself short on this cake and your time is worth more than that. She can go to the supermarket and that’s probably exactly what she plans to do, she just doesn’t have the decency to tell you. You’ve done all you can do and it’s out of your hands. This is precisely why I now require deposits to get on my schedule. That way you know they’re serious and you don’t waste any of your precious time even thinking about the project. I’ve found that even if you think you know someone, you don’t really know them until the topic of money becomes involved! That’s just my two cents. :)