I have trouble as well. I work from my home and share a face book site with a friend of mine and I know our prices are very different. She charges significantly less then I do how ever our work is different as well. Hers tends not to be as clean… and just a different quality. I know she has had complaints that she charges too much and I tell people up front you get what you pay for. I can’t get my facebook to open right this second but i will try again and tell you what I would have charged. I always worry that I am going to offend someone when I quote a price but I need to make it worth the days of work that go into it as you know. My husband says I don’t charge enough… It is a tough area that’s for sure. I will check your page and get back to you.
Tara, Nova Scotia, https://www.facebook.com/pages/Valleys-kool-cakes/131353476890032