re: How Did YOU Get Started?

I got into making cakes/cupcakes because as we were approaching my son’s 2nd birthday – I was talking to a friend at work and told her I wanted something different than your average store bought cake. She told me I should make his cake! I had probably a million questions for her, but I ordered my Wilton pan of Blue’s Clues on e-bay, read the directions a million times, and bought all of the icing colors, tips, and bags I needed and I was on my way. I made my own frosting, made the cake using a box mix and took on the task. I LOVED it! I even decided to make cupcakes and freehanded paw prints with buttercream on top. The cake was the hit of the party and I was elated. I had another friend at work who saw pictures asked if I made them and I told her that it was my first one and she asked if I would try making her nephew one. I was dying to try it again so I agreed and again was WOW’d with how awesome my spiderman came out and my freehanded matching spider cupcakes. It honestly took off from there. I wanted to try more and more and then wanted to try fondant because I loved the look. I was hooked!

I was always artsy & crafty and loved working with my hands. I wanted to learn more, but really wasn’t interested in the classes offered in my area (plus I had no one to go with me!) I decided to do some research on the internet and to my surprise – there is tons of information out there! I have learned so much just from doing my own research, reading tutorials, and watching how to videos on youtube.

I still love to this day going back and looking through my pictures from when I first started out and seeing how far I’ve come and how much I learned through this amazing cake journey! :)

Mary, Western MA,