re: What prompted you to take up cake decorating/baking as a hobby/business?

I just started caking when my youngest was baptized..I want a very specific design for her cake and had to pay alot :D <well,personalized cake is always ..way way beyond better>no classes or school attended because I have no time ..I have 2 young kids <4 yrs.old and 1 year old> so I just always watch tutorials and how to’s on the internet..and on my daugthers 1st birthday I made her a personalized cake…6 cakes! and was very happy about it..never stop since then.Llast Christmas a friend asked me to make fruitcakes for her as a give away for her officemates..then it became a business.Every finished cake amazes me and I always say to myself..I can’t believe I did it! :D!/pages/Pearlees-Cakes/316152381730600