re: Too expensive?

Agree with everything said so far, never sell yourself short. As good as it is to fill the diary up with the orders, you also have to consider is it also worth your time, would you work for less than minimum wage? It has a massive knock on effect on those that are trying to make a living in the industry when people try to compete with what I like to call supermarket prices. I have seen people trying to advertise on Facebook with 3-tier wedding cakes for as little as £60! And matching cupcakes from 40p each! It not only devalues the cake maker themselves, but the industry as a whole. I know many who will work into the small hours getting a cake finished and put an incredible amount of time and effort into perfecting their design, for someone to make a mockery of their dedication by charging £60? Believe in yourself, if you have the skills to be a cake artist, you have a gift and a skill that a lot of people don’t. Why would they be asking for your service? Because they like what you can create. I’ve always been a believer of the price of how much you charge reflects the amount that you believe in yourself…