re: Carpel Tunnel and piping.

Hi CorpseQueen! I hope that helps you out! I had some major issues when I was cake decorating at a grocery store. I ended up going to the doctor and they did a ultrasound on my wrists. My left hand (dominate hand) they said was somewhere between moderate to severe and my right was mild. I wore a brace at night but would always wake up in the morning with it across the room, I never remember taking it off. It took me months to figure out why it was so bad but the person making the icing for me wasn’t adding enough liquids to the buttercream so my hand was straining to pipe it. I recommend not filling up the bags very full, it is a big help and if you can work with softer buttercream hopefully it will get better. My hands dont hurt half as bad as they use to. I do experience numbness now when I’m reading books or on the pc for to long but just like costumeczar said, I think thats posture related.

Jessica, Kodiak Alaska