re: First time in 35 years....

Don’t beat yourself up over it Sharon, as you never know when Sciatica is going to kick in. I injured my back a long long time ago and am now paying the price. I have always got a bit of backache, unless I am flat out, first thing when I wake up, but it varies from a dull ache to full blown sciatica down both legs. All I can say is I feel for you and I can pass on a few tips that have worked for me.
When I get stressed or really tired out, the muscles in my back pinch on the sciatic nerve and I have found that laying flat with a hot wheatbag on the spot, helps with the pain and also relaxes the muscles. Another option is a gentle back rub before the pain starts with a little bit of massage oil to unlock the muscles. Hot baths always work and I have some really good medicine prescribed by the doctor – amytriptiline ( a muscle relaxant) and lyrica ( a nerve duller). I have to say that if I take this medication I am like someone who has had a couple of bottles of wine, totally stress free, relaxed, and generally off to sleep pretty easily. I therefore only take this when I have had a really long day and have stood a lot, and know I can knock myself out, and won’t have to drive for 12 hours. This helps again for another few weeks.
Only one thing to say, God help you if you have a client ring up when you have taken this , as if you are like me, they won;t get a lot of sense out of you and it is extremely difficult pretending to be “sober” and sensible.
Another said to work is yoga and stretching out your muscles, but I never manage to find that calm sanctuary in my house.
I hope you are up and about soon, and just remember it will get better, so read some good books and watch some good tele while you rest.

gateaux de mandy