re: First time in 35 years....

Oh gosh, that may have been awful, being in so much pain and having to get it done. But a HUGE well done to you!! You got it there and I’m sure the couple would have completely understood the circumstances if you hadn’t been able to. Don’t be too hard on yourself. When you end up in Hospital because you are in do much pain and probably very tired, work will be the last thing on your mind.
Don’t give up because of this one incident and look after yourself as a priority! There are going to be days where we are not well enough to work, you are right to talk to others about contingency plans in that case. But the truth is if no one can do it someone may not get their dream cake, they will be disappointed but ultimately it’s not the worse thing that can happen in life.
I hope you get better soon, wishing you all the best. Jo xx