re: Feelings about copying others work?...

I often get cake pics sent to me from clients asking for the same. I gently dissuade them from this and always explain why…
1. its someone else’s hard work and idea concept and feel its an unspoken courtesy not to copy… but yes June, one in the public domain you cannot control use of it…. like Walt Disney too. Look at Frozen Cakes for instance.
2. I so far have successfully persuaded the client to move for something that has a similar “look” but is bespoke to them so its original.
3. if the cake is to be copied and its been a tutorial then go for it… but mention where you got it from… also agree with June in asking the person who did the original cake (if you know who it is) if you can use her design.
this is an endless debate but if unsure.. turn the tables… how would you feel if your cake was copied? :)

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