Sugarcraft work #1: victorian lady/bride

Well i had a weekend few from cakes and decided i really needed to start practising my skills in modelling more beauiful figures. I have practised this over and over and just couldn’t really figure out how to get them better, so found a tutorial by the talented Lorraine Mckay on her website where she sells online tutorials. I bought a few of these to assist in increasing my skills. Now im not saying its turned out perfect but not a bad start!!!! The rose next to her is just my other practise one. Certainly a place to build from.

The Snowdrop Cakery at


This looks great! Lorraine’s tutorials are awesome. I bought this one to help me make a communion figure.


We wanted to go to Lorraine’s class in New Jersey but couldn’t get the days right. Her work is great and we think you did a good job on her figure! The rose looks really nice also!