I'am officially a pastry cook lady and a mini standing minion cake

¡Hello people! I know! I know! I completely abandoned you. But I had too. I needed to focus on my little project. And now I’m glad to announce you that, after these months of great adventure I finally got my French pastry degree! Yeehaaa ¡I am a French pastry lady! And you know what… I managed to do it by my own, no fancy institutes, I’m self-taught! I admit though that some weeks ago I was helped by a pastry man of my town. (Thanks Cecilia and Sonia, it was thanks to you I got this help). He corrected my technique, advised me and sometime shared some value secrets! He was real help to me. I made the rest by my own and I’m so proud of what I’ve achieved.

I also joined two facebook pastry help groups. This was so much helpful and I met really cool people. I felt so encouraged and supported. We really created a winning team! Our questions and doubts were always taken into account. If someone was feeling down, the others were there to boost him/her. I really thank the group’s admins (Sabrina Choual from rêve de gourmandises and Rose from Rose and Cook) but also each member. We have learned together, we have studied together, we have laugh together…It was just great! Big thank also to my guinea pig my husband for all his support and patience, for being able to follow me on my ups and downs, for accepting to eat the good pastries and the bad ones… and thanks to my Venezuelan family and friends, they have always believed in me and supported me. They’re the bests! I got them in my head and in my heart. Thanks also to my french family for their help and support too.

¡Now it’s time to take care of my site and to spend time creating. So I invite you to take a look at this mini-cake I made this week-end for me and my little family. The theme is “Despicable me” my kids are crazy about this film and adore the minions. And for me this was just what I needed to come back to my roll fondant and my sugar creations, I missed this so much! It was also perfect to practice my favorite cake design technique: 3D! This one is a standing minion cake. It was quite difficult for me to achieve this. I hope you like it!

And before saying good bye, let me say: THANKS for reading me and thanks also to all these people following me, and commenting and sending me emails or saying hello on the street without even knowing me really. This feels so good!

originally posted "here ":http://lesfruitsdelapassion.com/index.php/en/my-blog/200-iam-officially-a-pastry-cook-lady-and-a-mini-standing-minion-cake

Isis, https://www.facebook.com/pages/PatissCake/171742236210775