How does everyone line their pans?

I’ve had a couple of comments about how I line mine see photo, and am now curious as to how you guys line yours

Mine done by folding an 1"edge then cutting small cuts into the crease, the crease then sits into the bottom edge of the cake pan sprayed with a little sprink(cooking spray) to make it stick to pan once I have gone right around I then pace a bottom in it that has been traced around bottom of pan & cut out, then respray entire pan

Jo, NZ,


I cut flat non-stick cookie sheets to fit my pans. They are washable and can be used again and again.
I used to hate having to cut paper to fit before I could start baking and now I don’t have that problem.
Just a quick spray with canola oil :)

Bev, NZ

Oh I like that idea Bev – thanks! Am definitely going to give that one a go…I hate cutting circles for my pans….SO lazy! haha! ;) xx

Raewyn, Sydney, Australia