Wedding #2: First wedding cake

As a young cake decorator with a very young career in the industry (less than a year), I was fortunate enough to be trusted to make a wedding cake for 130 guests. At first I was pretty excited that the bride would even consider me for the job; then as the days got closer, I started freaking out badly. I started asking myself what made me think I was able to pull this together, what was I thinking? Then a month months before the big day, the anxiety, and the nightmares started; but I kept telling myself I could do this. I had no choice anyway because I had already gotten paid for the job and it was too late to pull back.

I literally spent most of my free time researching: reading books, forums, asking questions, watching video tutorials, practicing etc… I was able to deliver. I learned a lot throughout the whole process. I now know what to do, and what not to do for the next one. I also learned a lot about myself. Although very stressful, if I was asked again I would do it all over.

Bring on the second wedding cake :-)

I wonder how did you guys feel when you were asked to make your first wedding cake. Share if you have any stories.

It's a sophisticated World!


You did a great job…the cake is beautiful ;)

-- Michal, | My Facebook:

Thanks Michal. I’m learning a lot here.

It's a sophisticated World!