Gift box and baby bottom cake

I am looking for some feedback. I am going to give the attached cake tutorial a try. However, I am thinking about doing the legs with rice krispie treats covered in fondant and not with 100 percent fondant. I am thinking the rkt legs would be more durable :) My question is will they absorb moisture from the fondant causing them to break down? I am looking for feedback please. Which would you think would be the best cake decorating option? All fondant or rkt covered in fondant for the legs? Thank you :) Laura

Party Cakes


Hi Laura! In my opinion, I would do them entirely fondant…it is easier to shape them by trial and error until will have to get the proportions exactly right the first time with rkt and then cover with fondant..oh and they don’t absorb moisture so that shouldn’t be a problem…good luck!! ❤❤😘

thank you for your feed back :)

Party Cakes