Today I want to share with you some old ideas for Easter.
I made some of these cakes and decoration with my sister Stefania for our Easter table.
I hope you can find them useful :)
This is a panoramic :)
Thi is a beautiful and a simple idea to make a cake with a chocolate egg, strawberries and whipped cream!
This is a a funny bread table centerpiece I made with my friend Maria :)
Here are some cakes and mini cakes (some of them are eadible and some are in polimerclay, as placeholders)
And these are italian typical Easter cookies made with
short pastry and hard-boiled eggs. But as I love kinder eggs, I made some with hard-boiled eggs and some with kinder eggs :) :) :)
and here are some steps to make them:
This is ine with hard boiled eggs
and this is one with Kinder egg
I hope you like them :)
Laura's Art Studio & Find Your Cake - http://www.facebook.com/findyourcake - http://www.findyourcake.it - www.laurasartstudio.com - www.facebook.com/laurasartstudio
Thank you for sharing your awesome treats and ideas!!
Toni, Pennsylvania, https://www.facebook.com/WhiteCraftyCakes
Beautiful cakes!! Thank you for sharing!! :-) x
https://www.facebook.com/elliwarrencakedesign https://www.facebook.com/elliricci elliricci@hotmail.com https://www.instagram.com/elliwarrencakedesign/
Thank you 😃
Laura's Art Studio & Find Your Cake - http://www.facebook.com/findyourcake - http://www.findyourcake.it - www.laurasartstudio.com - www.facebook.com/laurasartstudio
Thank you for sharing these ideas, I love them all ♥ ✿
They are just lovely thank you for sharing <3
Dubey Cakes