Hello cake addicts! Im new to this site! I’m a addict already lol 1st: pat yourself on the back for everything you do! That’s soooo important in cake decor! 2nd: creativity…..again CREATIVITY!!! Is the key to everything, your mind is never a twin to any human even if you were born a twin! :) your still you! Only you! 3rd: here we go… All the accents that go into a cake for example diy cake toppers, diy cake/cupcake stands. Diy business cards. Diy tshirts. Diy cake boxes! Hint hint I hope you get where I’m going with this…..we put so much into our cakes that we forget the little things that may have touched your heart or a customers heart and we didn’t even realize it! Please post your non/related items that went into your cakes!