Here is the third lesson about fondant canes.
Today I want to show you a simple techniqueto get fondant sheet with stripes of different colors.
For this technique, as already seen, we need a few tools :
modeling fondant white and lilac, in different shades ;
a cutter and some cookies ;
a precision knife;
a small rolling pin with the guides for the control of the thickness;
a set of 3 blades;
a skewer or a toothpick;
Note: You can use the normal fondant, as done in lesson number 1, but if your hands are hot or if the temperature is high, I would recommend the modelling fondant. And, if you want very hard decorations, you can use the gum paste.
Generally, it would be a good idea to rest your canes at least a couple of hours before you slice them, to avoid deformation during cutting, but in this case, because you’ll use a cookies cutter, it will not be necessary.
Here we go!
Roll out the fondant with a rolling pin and the thicker guide, cut rectangles of similar size using the blade.
Overlap rectangles alternating colors as you like.
Compact the canes reducing a bit, trim the sides so as to form a regular block and divide it into two parts.
Overlap the two sides; reduce the canes a little bit more and get the 0.5 cm thick slices .
Roll each slice with a rolling pin and the thinner guides, and cut out the shapes.
The photographs below show the step-by-step procedure to complete the cookies.
I hope you like this lovely cookies!
See you soon
Laura's Art Studio & Find Your Cake - http://www.facebook.com/findyourcake - http://www.findyourcake.it - www.laurasartstudio.com - www.facebook.com/laurasartstudio
good job……
Xclusive, HTTP://facebook.com/xclusivecakes
Lovely!! great tutorial!! thank you for sharing!! :-)
https://www.facebook.com/elliwarrencakedesign https://www.facebook.com/elliricci elliricci@hotmail.com https://www.instagram.com/elliwarrencakedesign/
Great tutorial thank you so much x
Roo's Little Cake Parlour
Thank you so much for sharing this so simple and amazing technique!
Kim Mee, Australia, Sweet Spark* https://www.facebook.com/pages/Sweet-Spark/157957894348941
Thank you for sharing
Very nice..thank you for sharing!
Mariya ,http://www.facebook.com/pages/Mariyas-Cakes-Cookies/236817096414170
Thank you so much for sharing this great tutorial!!!!!
Cake on Me, Athens Greece, https://www.facebook.com/VeraCakeOnMe?ref=hl
Thankyou for sharing, love this technique!
Thank you very much to all!
Laura's Art Studio & Find Your Cake - http://www.facebook.com/findyourcake - http://www.findyourcake.it - www.laurasartstudio.com - www.facebook.com/laurasartstudio